Patrimonium Insurance Brokerage S.A

Forme juridique : S.A

Adresse postale du siège social : 35, rue Gruuss Strooss   L- 9991 Weiswampach LUXEMBOURG

Numéro BCE (Banque-Carrefour des entreprises)   RC58273

Numéro de TVA  : LU17158279

Autorité de surveillance compétente Commissariat aux assurance Luxembourgeois (CAA)

Profession réglementée  : Courtier d'assurance

Our philosophy


Supporting our customers also means creating a caring relationship, commensurate with their choices and goals. Direct and confidential dialogue and regular meetings allow us to get to know each other better and to establish this trust which is primordial in our profession.


Our independence is our strength. We select insurance companies, managers and banks based on strict criteria such as solvency, services or long-term policy… This is in order to best meet the needs and safety of our customers.


Whether it’s covering financial risks, maximizing the return on your wealth, or making the most of tax opportunities, we help you clarify your situation and address your concerns. Our mission is to meet your expectations and to meet them with our objective, open and tailor-made advice.